Licenciatura em Línguas Aplicadas

Presentation vídeo

Course Regulation Course fee Teaching mode: Distance learning (e-learning) Teaching Language: Portuguese

The main objective of this undergraduate degree is the mastery of the Portuguese language as a vector of communication and culture and in-depth knowledge of two or three foreign languages - chosen among German, Spanish, French and English -  applied to the exercising of communication activities and/or commercial and administrative functions, international relations and public relations. In an increasingly connected and globalised world, fluency in several languages is an asset, both on a professional and personal level. At the end of their training, Applied Languages graduates have acquired methods of analysis and synthesis, communication tools and knowledge of the major issues of the contemporary world. The training in languages, to which the Major in Applied Languages corresponds, is complemented by the Minor in Advisory and Administration or the Minor in European Citizenship and Globalisation, which offer complementary and diversified training in other scientific fields, in particular in Sociology, Management, Economics and Law.


Ano Letivo 2024_2025:

Susana Paula de Magalhães Oliveira



Ano Letivo 2024_2025:

Maria de Jesus Crespo Candeias Velez Relvas

António Chenoll Mora

Equipa de Coordenação 2024-2025:


The Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Languages at Universidade Aberta is structured over six semesters, with five course units per semester, combining core education in the primary scientific area, the maIor, with complementary education in an introductory specialisation field, the minor.

The course units can be compulsory or optional, allowing students to choose from different scientific areas or linguistic universes.

Although there is no prerequisite system in place, it is recommended that students follow the sequential order of the Foreign Language and Society and Culture course units.

The number of course units undertaken per semester should be carefully considered, bearing in mind that each ECTS credit corresponds to 28 hours of academic work, including contact hours and individual study.

Throughout the maior, the study of Foreign Languages offers two alternative study routes:

  • Route 1: 6 levels of the first Foreign Language + 4 levels of the second Foreign Language.
  • Route 2: 6 levels of the first Foreign Language + 2 levels of the second Foreign Language + 2 levels of the third Foreign Language.

The initial level in each foreign language may be adjusted through a Placement Test (details available at

Academic Information

Plano de Estudos de Línguas Aplicadas.pdf

Curricular estructure:

Major in Applied Languages (120 ECTS)
Minor in Advisory and Administration (60 ECTS)
Minor in European Citizenship and Globalization (60 ECTS)

The 1st year of the Major is common to both Minors.